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What Makes a Tommy Gun's Grand Opening Awesome

At Tommy Gun’s Original Barbershop, we love a good event, function, shindig, hullabaloo, celebration, occasion or ceremony.

So it comes as no surprise that our Grand Opening Events are much more than just offering a discount to get people through the door. The goal is to showcase who we are as business owners, bearded brethren and fans of facial hair.

All of our shops are locally owned. We aren’t some big conglomerate looking to obliterate small business. Our model of business was hand crafted with care in Red Deer, Alberta and we have stayed true to our small town roots as we quickly became know for more than just a haircut and a shave. Grand Opening’s help us achieve our goal of becoming Canada’s Most Loved Barbershop.

All of our Grand Opening’s feature a Haircuts by Donation aspect, where customers donate however much they want to a local charitable organization in exchange for a haircut. All of the proceeds raised make an impact directly on the lives of men and their families in the surrounding community.

We do this by supporting charities and causes that support the overall health and well being of men, whether that be mental health causes, men’s cancer research and other health related issues. We do this by supporting kids, because some men are Dads and some kids grow into men. We also do this by supporting animals, because the saying “man’s best friend” exists for a reason.

This is why we have Grand Opening’s. To help guys build trust in our brand by not only delivering a kick-ass haircut or straight razor shave, but by showing that we actually give a @#$% about what happens in our community.

If you do too, and happen to live in the Edmonton area – check out our next Grand Opening on October 27th @ 671 – 109 Kingsway Garden Mall NW.

All donations will go directly to Crystal Kids, “a community based provider of intervention and prevention services with outcomes-based service delivery. Our formula for mentoring youth combines strength-based principles with a harm-reduction model and a focus on relationships and capacity building.”