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Behind the Chair with Chelsey

Welcome to Behind the Chair, where our incredible team members are nominated by a Tommy Gun’s Original Barbershop co-worker and each month a specific Gunner is chosen to be featured.

Our inaugural Behind the Chair kicks off with Chelsey, from our Mic Mac and Larry Uteck shops, all the way from the far east coast in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She was nominated for her fierce dedication to making Tommy Gun’s the best working environment possible. Chelsey stepped into the role of Barber & Shop Mentor in 2019 and completely turned around the morale of the barbershops.

As part of Chelsey’s commitment, she implemented flagship programs, like “Teammate of the Month” and “Perfect Attendance Bonuses.” She never ceases to amaze her co-workers with how professionally she handles all Guest feedback – making their experience, #1. On top of being fully hands-on everyday, Chelsey took her love for community and single handily organized a fundraiser for a local charity, Souls Harbour, where $400 was raised.

  1. WHERE ARE YOU ORIGINALLY FROM? I am originally from Yorkton, Saskatchewan and 12 years ago I was looking for a change, so I contacted a friend who lived in Halifax and decided to move. I have never looked back and can’t see myself live anywhere else.
  2. IF YOU WERE TO WIN THE LOTTERY, WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU WOULD DO OR BUY? I would buy a “blinged” out supercar – kind of like Barbie’s.
  3. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE TOMMY GUN’S PRODUCT? Upper Cut Deluxe Easy Hold. Last year at Tommy Gun’s annual summit, I attended a class and since then, it has been my go-to product for wet hair that you blow-dry, to keep everything down and in place.
  4. DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE VACATION SPOT? Bermuda. My best friend lives there and I love the underwater, crystal caves.
  6. IF YOU COULD HAVE DINNER WITH ANYONE – DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD IT BE? Whitney Houston. I love her music and when I started reading her book, I realized she had a very interesting life.
  7. IF SOMEONE IS EVER IN HALIFAX, WHAT IS ONE THING THEY SHOULD DO? Harbour Hopper. It’s an old army boat that takes you all around downtown, then converts into a boat and goes out into the ocean.
  8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD? Pizza. Pepperoni and mushroom
  9. WHAT IS ONE THING MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT TOMMY GUN’S ORIGINAL BARBERSHOP? That it is locally owned and operated. We are a family